Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Big Data Core Indicators and Key Aspects

Big Data Core Indicators :

As we all talking about big data the core indicators that comes into picture are four V's.
Volume,Velocity,Variety and Veracity.
These V's are going to decide the big data and its future. Technically big data comes into picture when ever an organization or company only deals about any of these V's.

Big Data Core Indicators

Key Aspects of Big data Platform

1. Integration --The point is to have one platform to manage all of the data. Big data has to be             bigger than just one technology.
2. Analytics   — A very important point. We see big data as a viable place to analyze and store  data. sophistication and accuracy of the analytics matters.
3. Visualization --   Need to bring big data to the users.
4. Development — Need sophisticated development tools for the engines and across them to              enable the market to develop analytic applications.
5. Workload optimization — Improvements upon open source for efficient processing and                    storage.
6. Security and Governance — Sensitive data that needs to be protected, retention policies need to be determined .

As Technology advancements  day by day the amount of data that dealing with the business requirements also increasing. So Big data analytics and solutions providing better and enhanced solutions to solve business problems in different industrial verticals.

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