Pentaho with Real Time Data Analytics :
The Importance
of Big Data is well recognized today, with implementations across every size
and type of business today. What has become apparent is that the real value of
big data is not the data in and of itself, but in the combination of data with
other relevant data from existing internal and external systems and sources
need to blend data to derive maximum value will only escalate as new types and
sources of data and information continue to emerge.
With Pentaho
BI Analytics , you can easily create architected, blended views across both
the traditional Call Detail Records in the warehouse, and the network data Just
in time, architected blending delivers accurate big data analytics based on
blended data. You can connect to, combine, and even transform data from any of
the multiple data stores in your hybrid data ecosystem into blended views, then
query the data directly via that view using the full spectrum of analytics in
the Pentaho Analytics platform, including predictive analytics.
Examining a typical
big data Analytics process workflow helps identify where many of these
potential problems may occur, special skill sets are required and delays are introduced.
Common steps in the Bigdata Analytics workflow include Data Ingestion ,Manipulations,Access ,Model and Visualization .